Want to volunteer?
Many people define volunteering as a selfless act to help others and improve a situation you have the power to change.
Volunteering is centered around the idea that if people get together, they can make a huge difference!
Click here to view a list of volunteer jobs available in Bathurst
Click here to view a list of volunteer jobs available in Oberon.
Give us a call on 6332 4866 or come visit us at 96 Russell Street, Bathurst for further information.
I am a footwear engineer and supply chain analyst by profession, and I arrived in Australia in early February 2020. I moved to Bathurst, and I could not find many opportunities relevant to my skill set, so I decided to volunteer in administration and applied for a role at The Neighbourhood Centre. After six months of volunteering, I managed to land a job as the “store manager” and “administration staff” in Orange. My volunteer role with The Neighbourhood Centre has certainly provided me with firsthand experience of an Australian workplace and helped me land my current position.